31 december 2010

Bijna 2011 - Almost 2011

It is almost 2011. A new year, new chances. The last half of 2010 I had some trouble getting in the right mood for my creativity. At the end I managed to make a piece for Christmas (photo above) and I made some hearts; as you can see on the photo's below.

In 2010 I will join the art quilt group Artfor12. I am looking forwards to be part of an art quilt group again. The members make beautiful work. It is my goal to make work that comes from the hart. My heart. And hopefully it will touch your heart too :-).

I wish you all a healthy and creative 2011!

10 opmerkingen:

Hannie de Beer zei

Een mooi streven en een prachtig hart heb je gemaakt Corryna! Wat goed dat je bij Artfor 12 mag!! Ik ben benieuwd naar je werkjes voor de groep, maar dat komt ongetwijfeld voor elkaar!

Lynn Cohen zei

Corryna so good to see you again!
YOur little hearts are beautiful!
I look forward to what creations flow from you in 2011. Happy New Year Dear Friend. And enjoy that new group of yours. They are lucky to have you.

Ellen zei

Wat een prachtige hartjes .
En heel gelukkig en creatief jaar toegewenst

ina zei

Hoi Corryna, fijn van je te horen.
Succes met al je nieuwe creatieve uitdagingen. Tot ziens in 2011 hoop ik.

solange zei

I wish you a very good 2011

Emmy zei

heel veel geluk en creativiteit

Beate Knappe zei

I love your Heards!!!

Maggi zei

Happy New Year to you too Corryna. What beautiful hearts.

Lynn Cohen zei

Are you going to play with us on the Art Quilt blog? We have a challenge happening that could be fun if more people such as yourself got involved!!! Hoping!!!

research papers zei

so cute